Safety leadership programme
Safety leadership programme
- Frontline managers
Making frontline managers better safety leaders is a lever to sustainably improve the performance and safety practices of staff. It requires a change in managers’ mindset and their day-to-day behaviour.
The frontline manager is at the heart of developing a safety culture. Their strategic position, which is at the crossroads of managerial requirements (the directive component), reality on the ground, and feedback from the field (the participative component), means that he or she is at the core of many trade-offs.
This programme helps frontline managers to improve their key operational skills in order to:
- Give meaning to the organisation’s safety policies
- Make trade-offs between management requirements and realities on the ground
- Encourage staff buy-in and engagement
- Align words and practices about safety
- Foster mutual help and information-sharing
- Exercise vigilance and share it within the team
- Acknowledge efforts in the right direction and respond to bad practice.
Icsi’s contribution
- a pragmatic approach: tools and methods,
- case studies,
- feedback from industrial experience,
- discussion among participants,
- real-life scenarios,
- a personal roadmap for each participant.